In this month's trance channeling, I didn't call a specific Being, I just asked for a message about this new lunar cycle for everyone who reads this article.
I see whoever I channel clearly and in detail, but everything was a bit different this time. The appearance of the Being changed multiple times when I connected with them, they didn’t say their name, and it was not until the end of their speaking that it all came together and made sense. So I will not describe what I saw initially, and just deliver the message they had for us.
“Did you see how my outer appearance just changed? It is your whole reality that is changing, and it’s changing fast. What you think is sure, might be forgotten tomorrow. Might be disclaimed in an hour. Might be revealed as fake in an instant. Your reality is changing as you are creating it. Yes, my dear, all of you are creating the change right now. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or powerless, remember that it is you who is creating and shaping your reality - with your thoughts, your words, your energy.
What is your energy? What does it feel like? What does it smell like? What texture has it? It is time for you all to feel your own energy. Because it is the only truth that matters. If you are centered in your energy field, if you are steady within your Self, then you will feel what is good for you, and what’s not. Then you don’t depend on anyone to tell you what’s right. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to how a situation, a person, food, songs, information, and everything else you consume, feels in your body and in your energy. Your body is the baseline. The foundation that keeps you grounded, while your energy field is like an antenna that you perceive everything metaphysical around you with. If these 2 are synced, you are walking in integrity.
If this sounds new and overwhelming to you, here is something you can practice to develop and strengthen your physical and metaphysical perceptions. Every morning, when you wake up, instead of jumping up and doing something, you start your day feeling. Feel your body, how your mattress is holding you. How your blanket is warming you. How soft or hard are your sheets? What do they smell like? Is there a draught that makes the air dance on your skin? Is it still dark or is the sun kissing you good morning already? What sounds do you hear? Cars on the street outside? Birds? Water? People talking? The wind?
Once you are familiar with all the physical sensations (and believe me, there are so many more than you can think of now), just sit up in bed and call your higher self, your spiritual guides, your guardian angel, your spirit animal, whatever feels right for you to call them. Maybe you have a way of connecting with them already. If not, then you can say this:
“I call my higher self (spiritual team, angel,...)
to be here with me now and guide me
to see what needs to be seen today,
to listen to what needs to be heard,
to feel what needs to be felt and
to speak whatever needs to be said.
I receive your unconditional love, wisdom and grace
with a clear head, a wide-open heart
and all my gratitude.”
Then just sit in your beautiful energy, and feel how you are grounded in your body and connected to the universe, supported by your spiritual guides, for a few moments, before you get up and start your day. You can always take a moment in between, have a few deep breaths and check in with yourself again. All of this will help you to stay centered, anchored and aligned within yourself, as you go create your reality.”
I felt the channeling coming to an end, but I hesitated to disconnect because I still had no name of the being speaking through me.
“Oh you really want to know who I am, don’t you? All of you always want names and looks and definitions. Honey, it’s Aquarius season! I am beyond all the labels, the masculine/feminine, the outer appearance. Every single one of you who has read this far, has an idea of me already. You have a picture of me in your mind, or a certain tone of voice that you are reading this with, and you all are right! This is your truth and you don’t need Sissi or anyone else to tell you how I look or sound like. I am the Aquarian energy that will hold the space for you throughout this lunar cycle. The only thing that matters is: how do I make you feel?”