Congratulations everybody for making it through this intense October, the 2 eclipses and everything they stirred up, and welcome to the next level. This one is called “we are the camel and November is the eye of the needle”.
The sun (our ego) and Mars (our will) join forces in November and will walk hand in hand for around 7 weeks. Aggression, war and conflict seem inevitable, especially when Saturn, the planet of restrictions, authorities and regulations stands in their way in the form of a very challenging square around the 21st until the 27th.
You want more? Great, let’s get Uranus into play. Around the 9th to the 15th the breaker of chains will build a highly explosive opposition to our power-duo Sun and Mars and shake up everything. Uranus stands for our ideas around freedom and independence. He is the spark of great revolutions and he can be pretty radical.
Especially the new and the full moon are both very tense and unpredictable pressure-cooker-days (New Moon on the 13th: Sun, Moon & Mars in Opposition to Uranus, Full Moon on the 27th: Moon Opposition Sun & Mars, Square Lilith-Saturn-Opposition).
If this all seems a bit too big and dark and messed-up for you right now, that’s okay. We are all building a new world while the old one doesn’t give in quietly. This IS big and dark and messed up. But there is a reason why we all are, wherever we are, right now. We were literally born for this change and if we lead our emotions wisely, if we channel our energies constructively, if we hold up the frequencies consciously, if we choose love over hate steadily, then this eye of the needle will be our gate of initiation and a beautiful oasis will wait on the other side.